Last April, I visited the “D” family home for my very first photo session of three-month old Amelia. We turned the living room into a makeshift studio, using the abundant window light.
Really, how could I go wrong with such a sweet, beautiful baby? Amelia was wide-eyed and cooperative for her portraits; we even managed to get in a few photos with her big brother, mom and dad.
Fast forward to last July—I was honored to photograph Amelia at six months, this time at a park near a beach. As you’ll see by her photos, she smiled up a storm and showed her spunk and attitude in the amusing rocking chair photo, where I can only imagine her exclaiming, “HOLLA!”
It’s been pure delight to witness Little Miss Amelia’s growth and I’m looking forward to the privilege of documenting her at nine months of age, where I’m sure her personality will be even more fun!
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